What is your background and education?
Administrative professional with over 30 years’ experience in customer service, records management and managing accounts receivable/payable. Seven years of experience in bookkeeping, payroll and personal tax preparation.
Attended Kapiolani Community College – Accounting Major
What are your areas of expertise in the accounting/bookkeeping field?
Interacting with clients and assisting them with their accounting needs. Accounts payable/receivable, invoicing and documents and records management are also tasks I enjoy handling.
Any certifications or awards?
None, all my knowledge is from work experience.
What service are you passionate about in accounting field?
Balancing a bank rec. I’m the person that will find the missing penny when working on reconciling a bank/credit card statement. I also enjoy meeting new people and working with a team of people who work well and efficiently together.
What is a quote you like to live by?
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.